Monday, July 15, 2013

Bad Airline Food - Now This?!

Bad Airline Food - Now This?!
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Airline food has notoriously been a terrible product while inflight catering for private jets has been compared favorably to five star restaurants. Unfortunately, all of this is now changing. Read on for all the sordid details!

catering, corporate flight attendant, inflight caterer, cabin managers, cuisine, wine, appetizers

Article Body:
Airline food has long been the scourge of the industry. Literally! With customer expectations low, few expect that the meal they are served onboard an airliner will rise to the level of even a family style restaurant.
On the other hand, corporate jet catering is a whole different animal. With delectable entrees, delightful soups, outstanding appetizers and snacks, and the most decadent desserts imaginable, the passenger on a private jet expects [and pays for!] food akin to a five star performance.
Not anymore.
Today, in-flight caterers providing exemplary service and dining options is almost a thing of the past. Thanks to the rise of fractional jet operators who demand a narrow menu and smaller portion sizes, the quality levels with many in-flight caterers has nosedived. In addition, <strong>Air Chef</strong>, the largest provider of in-flight catering to business jets in the world, continues to snap up poorly performing caterers across the US. Now, <strong>corporate flight attendants</strong> must call a 1-800 number to place their order with an inexperienced  and unknowledgeable clerk. Forget customer service and forget special orders...these <i>do</i> upset Air Chef!
With the bad name associated with the company, Air Chef is apparently seeking to distance itself from even its name. <strong>Air Culinaire</strong></a>, a caterer with operations in four different cities is now part of the Air Chef network. Now for the rub: word has it that Air Chef, in a bid to sharpen its image and to stave off the growing ranks of ticked off corporate flight attendants -- their bread 'n butter -- the caterer will be changing its name to Air Culinaire.
Corporate flight attendants aren't amused by Air Chef as evidenced by their comments on the <strong>Corporate Jet Catering</strong> site as well as on <strong>Cabin Managers</strong>, a forum that is also tied in with the <strong>Corporate Flight Attendant Community</strong>. 
By the way, <strong>Rita's Catering</strong> of Boston is another Air Chef flight attendants know this and are fleeing to the competition as fast as they can.
Hey, <strong>Air Chef</strong>: do you <i>get</i> it?


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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

12 Critical tips to saving on airport parking

12 Critical tips to saving on airport parking
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Off-site airport parking is a boon for travelers. Often they prove to be cheaper than parking lots run by airports and online discounts and other conveniences make the option even more attractive.

secured parking, gate parking, discounted parking, traveling

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Off-site airport parking is a boon for travelers. Often they prove to be cheaper than parking lots run by airports and online discounts and other conveniences make the option even more attractive.
Satellite parking lots face competition and so it is easy for those in the know to save big.
Here are a few insights:
1. Keep a tab on offers. As the race for success becomes intense, all sites run attractive offers giving away coupons or web only deals. Many offer an e-coupon that entitles the user to a day’s free parking at selected parking lots.   This means a saving of US$ 18. Other offers give away a day if you park for two days or 50% off on the first days parking fee.
2. If you are a frequent user of parking lots check for offers where a parking operator with a major presence near airports you use offers a 50% discount if you purchase a certain number of parking vouchers online or on the phone using your credit card.
3. Many parking sites have a different rate for different parking positions. Check on the kinds of parking and rate differences. You could save up to $ 55 for a seven day parking.
4. Ask for rates depending on the length of stay. Rates vary so if you are going to need parking for a week then you could get a higher discount than the daily rate on offer.
5. Many run a frequent user program where repeat customers are offered many facilities. This is similar to frequent flier programs.
6. Find out if the lots you use offer special discounts to members of AARP, AAA, or other such organizations. In fact, AA members save between 10-20% on parking. Some sites even offer the service of picking up and dropping your car from the airport terminal.
7. Do your research well compare providers, the rates on offer, as well as facilities at the place you need to park. If you are clever you can get more for less.
8. Before you travel use the internet to check on daily and weekly parking offers. There are free days, discounted weekly rates, and guaranteed rates on offer at various times.  You can avail the offer by making a booking online or printing out the page with a code and presenting it to the cashier at the parking lot.
9. Keep track of promotions especially during holiday seasons. Many lots accept coupons and give away discounts offered  by consumer products
10. Often pre-booking parking can get you a saving of even 60% and more.

11. Hotels often offer parking specials, so make use of the extra facility being offered by the hotel you plan to stay in.
12. Some travel agents who book flight tickets offer advice or coupons for parking at the point of exit and entry. Ask you agent when you book your flight.
Off site parking is not just fast and convenient it can be a saving too.


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