Ebooks – The End Of The World As We Know It? Word Count: 441 Summary: In the animated movie “The Incredibles” there is an interesting scene where ‘Mr. Incredible’s’ nemesis ‘Syndrome’ has clued the hero in on who he really is and how a careless interaction by Mr. Incredible when Syndrome was young was the excuse he chose to use to define why he was evil. Syndrome aspired to hero status, but it was simply a ruse with evil intent. When Mr. Incredible asks why he is doing this, Syndrome replies, “I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the mo...
Article Body: In the animated movie “The Incredibles” there is an interesting scene where ‘Mr. Incredible’s’ nemesis ‘Syndrome’ has clued the hero in on who he really is and how a careless interaction by Mr. Incredible when Syndrome was young was the excuse he chose to use to define why he was evil. Syndrome aspired to hero status, but it was simply a ruse with evil intent. When Mr. Incredible asks why he is doing this, Syndrome replies, “I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that ‘everyone’ can have powers. ‘Everyone’ can be Super! And when everyone's Super... No one will be.” If you think about it long enough this line is an indictment against virtually anything that is opened up to the masses. What once was hard to accomplish is now made less difficult through online technology and downloads. Publishers may view Ebooks as the logical conclusion to the act of allowing everyone to have the power to publish. Publishers often view organic ebook publishing as inferior works that dilute the perceived genius of traditional publishing. In essence they would likely agree with Pixar’s ‘Syndrome’ – when everyone can publish, publishing is no longer special. Today ordinary citizens are publishing ebooks, blogs and knowledge-based articles. In so many ways this work represents a flood of material that is actually filling a void left by publishers who often feel the material is less than worthy of their publishing efforts. Most ebooks cater to niche information that would not make money for traditional publishers. By doing so they are catering to knowledge consumers in a way traditional publishers can’t keep up with. The truth is the icons of publishing remain icons and the publishing business continues (although the impact of online information has had a noticeable impact on newspaper circulation). As preconceived notions about ebooks are challenged many traditional publishers are sometimes grudgingly accepting the role ebooks play in a hi-tech world. Many traditional authors are even demanding their work be offered both in traditional print as well as ebook download. Unlike Syndrome who wanted to make everyone a super hero, a world where publishing boundaries are erased does not mean the end of publishing. What it does mean is that the playing field is level enough so any who wish to pursue publishing opportunities can do so in their own unique voice on a subject they have unique knowledge about. In the case of ebooks the world has changed, and it hasn’t necessarily been a .Title: Ebooks – The End Of The World As We Know It? Word Count: 441 Summary: In the animated movie “The Incredibles” there is an interesting scene where ‘Mr. Incredible’s’ nemesis ‘Syndrome’ has clued the hero in on who he really is and how a careless interaction by Mr. Incredible when Syndrome was young was the excuse he chose to use to define why he was evil. Syndrome aspired to hero status, but it was simply a ruse with evil intent. When Mr. Incredible asks why he is doing this, Syndrome replies, “I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the mo...
Article Body: In the animated movie “The Incredibles” there is an interesting scene where ‘Mr. Incredible’s’ nemesis ‘Syndrome’ has clued the hero in on who he really is and how a careless interaction by Mr. Incredible when Syndrome was young was the excuse he chose to use to define why he was evil. Syndrome aspired to hero status, but it was simply a ruse with evil intent. When Mr. Incredible asks why he is doing this, Syndrome replies, “I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that ‘everyone’ can have powers. ‘Everyone’ can be Super! And when everyone's Super... No one will be.” If you think about it long enough this line is an indictment against virtually anything that is opened up to the masses. What once was hard to accomplish is now made less difficult through online technology and downloads. Publishers may view Ebooks as the logical conclusion to the act of allowing everyone to have the power to publish. Publishers often view organic ebook publishing as inferior works that dilute the perceived genius of traditional publishing. In essence they would likely agree with Pixar’s ‘Syndrome’ – when everyone can publish, publishing is no longer special. Today ordinary citizens are publishing ebooks, blogs and knowledge-based articles. In so many ways this work represents a flood of material that is actually filling a void left by publishers who often feel the material is less than worthy of their publishing efforts. Most ebooks cater to niche information that would not make money for traditional publishers. By doing so they are catering to knowledge consumers in a way traditional publishers can’t keep up with. The truth is the icons of publishing remain icons and the publishing business continues (although the impact of online information has had a noticeable impact on newspaper circulation). As preconceived notions about ebooks are challenged many traditional publishers are sometimes grudgingly accepting the role ebooks play in a hi-tech world. Many traditional authors are even demanding their work be offered both in traditional print as well as ebook download. Unlike Syndrome who wanted to make everyone a super hero, a world where publishing boundaries are erased does not mean the end of publishing. What it does mean is that the playing field is level enough so any who wish to pursue publishing opportunities can do so in their own unique voice on a subject they have unique knowledge about. In the case of ebooks the world has changed, and it hasn’t necessarily been a negative change.
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Article Submission – Benefits of Submitting to Directories Word Count: 580 Summary: The benefits of article submissions are often neglected by many webmasters who would rather pay for expensive online advertising (with short to mid-term results) rather than develop a long term marketing campaign. And article submission is one of the most effective long term strategies.
Keywords: Article submission, Internet marketing, higher traffic
Article Body: The benefits of article submissions are often neglected by many webmasters who would rather pay for expensive online advertising (with short to mid-term results) rather than develop a long term marketing campaign. And article submission is one of the most effective long term strategies. There are few other marketing tools that have such a wide range of benefits as article submissions: * Article submission is free – this is one of the few Internet marketing strategies that can have better results than expensive pay per click campaigns or other similar forms of paid advertising. Submitting articles to directories is free, because the webmasters of the directories are always looking for fresh and original content. As long as it meets their quality standards, reputable article directories will gladly publish your article. Some great resources you may want to try are: * Submissions are fast – creating an account with an article directory may take around 2-3 minutes, but you only have to do it once. You should create at least 20-30 accounts with different directories to give your submitted articles more exposure. With the account already created, it may take another 2-3 minutes to input all the required fields for the article (title, summary, keywords, body text, and resource box). You can submit your article to at least a dozen directories an hour – and it would probably take around 3 or 4 good hours for a very effective submission campaign to a large number of directories. * There is also the bulk submit option some directories offer – that is also an excellent way to submit your articles, but most directories will charge a small fee for it. In many cases, the fee is so small that it is really effective to submit your articles this way. Article submission can be tedious, which is why you may want to consider an automatic article submitter. It will submit one article to over 30 directories in half an hour. To watch a video on how to accomplish this, go to: * They promote your website – when a reader goes through your article and deems it valuable and informative, chances are he or she will want to visit your website for even more resources. They can easily access your URL from the resource box you provided. Of course, your article has to actually impress the reader and make him want to find out more – so high quality is a necessity here. * They have the viral power – the nice thing about article submissions is that they have a huge viral marketing effect. Webmasters and blog owners are often readers of the directories and many of them will publish your article on their own websites and blogs, keeping the credentials and resource box intact. This means that although you may only submit your article to 50 directories, chances are that in a couple of weeks or months, hundreds of other websites and blogs will have the article published, granting you more exposure and, thus, higher traffic numbers. * Article submissions are great for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – since most search engines place a high value on one-way links going towards your website, submitted articles are a real “gold mine” from a SEO point of view. Combine the power of one way links with the viral effect of high quality articles, and you will soon get the big picture on why article submissions are rated among the most effective online marketing tools.